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Minneapolis a national leader in bike commuting

When it comes to bicycle commuting, Minneapolis is a leader nationwide, according to a map from a recent analysis that came out of the Environmental Studies program at the University of Oregon.

The map is pictured on the League of American Bicyclists website, which a City Pages blog also picks up on. 

On a national level, Minneapolis comes in second place for its number of bicycle commuters, the map illustrates. In terms of its general bicycle-friendliness, the city similarly earns "silver." (Number one is Minneapolis' perennial two-wheel rival, Portland, OR.)

Kory Northrop, the master's student who created the map, is studying GIS and bicycle transportation. He combined public data, ArcMap, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, to visually represent the data, the blog states.

Kory, a bicycle commuter himself, did the project because he wanted to raise awareness about bicycle transportation.

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