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Rock Your Block readies site launch for matching teens with jobs

The unemployment rate for teenagers is dismal, currently at about 25 to 35 percent, but one startup is hoping to change those numbers for local kids.
Rock Your Block aims to provide an easy, simple way for teens to find odd jobs within their neighborhoods--and create a deeper sense of community as a result.
First conceived in late 2010 (see The Line's previous coverage here) by entrepreneur Sarah Young, the organization's site has been developed over the past year, and has just gone into beta launch. Young and co-founders John Hibscher and Steven Ladin have been meeting with business owners and community organization leaders in the meantime, to find job opportunities that can be posted.
"We want to have the site at the point where teens can apply right away, and that's been a big challenge," she says. "But we're working out those issues, and we're excited by what we see ahead."
Young believes that the model is sound, and once the initial beta is over, the site has the ability to take off. "We're empowering teenagers to develop a strong work ethic, and at the same time we're addressing the needs of the community," she says. "That's a powerful combination."
The site will also include information on internship opportunities and other education, to give teens a chance to develop new skills. For example, they can learn to build a resume, handle a job interview, or budget their time effectively.
Source: Sarah Young, Rock Your Block
Writer: Elizabeth Millard
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