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Plus Relocation plans London office after 80 percent global growth in 2010

Whether the world is flat is open for debate, but there is no denying it is getting smaller as the global economy progresses.
Plus Relocation Services helps companies move and manage their employees and operations both in the US and abroad. Since the turn of the century, Plus has seen a steady annual increase in international business. In 2010, the "global side" grew 80 percent, says Chris Pardo, Plus' vice president of global services.
In response to the increasing international demand, the company will open a small, service-focused office in London, with 3�5 employees. That number could increase, says Pardo, given existing and expected business, and the interest the European office could generate.
Plus has long had activity in the European market, says Pardo, in "bread and butter" cities like London, Zurich, Dublin, Paris, and Munich.
"Now we're seeing Prague, Moscow, Poland, Romania starting to have lot of activity," he says. "The Eastern bloc is opening up."
Business is also heating up beyond Europe, of course. Of the "BRIC" countries--Brazil, Russia, India, and China --Plus has seen the most activity in the latter two.
They are also seeing an increase in country-to-country activity "that doesn't touch the US, and activity within countries," says Pardo.
The activity has led to growth stateside for Plus, as well--the company was busy with at least seven new hires in January, bringing its total employment to almost 90 people.
Source: Chris Pardo, Plus Relocation Services
Writer: Jeremy Stratton

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