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DrivePower anticipates growth with safe driving app

Helping teenagers and other drivers to put down mobile devices and concentrate on the road seems like a monumental task. But DrivePower is willing to give it a shot.
The company's showcase mobile application, DriveScribe, is geared toward using technology in a way that's appropriate, not distracting. The app functions as a real-time driving monitor and "coach" that gives tips on better driving. If a user tries to sneak some text messaging into drive time, the application immediately alerts parents or other administrators.
Sorry, kids. But it's not all-stick-and-no-carrot: the app also posts scores based on driving safely, and users can "play" against each other or earn rewards. The technology's market reach is enormous, believes founder and CEO Will England.
"We want to be thought of by every parent and every teen when they get in a vehicle," he says. "Our product could become an essential tool when transitioning from a learner's permit, for example."
He anticipates partnerships with insurance companies, which could offer lower rates based on safe driving scores. The app will be released to the general public in April, after an intensive research and development phase, including a number of tests with the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
Although the company is anticipating success with DriveScribe, England notes that they're increasing their reach beyond teen driving, and even beyond driving in general. "As a company, we really want to leverage emerging technology to help people make better decisions," he says. "Right now, that's concentrated on driving, but going forward, we'll broaden our scope."
Source: Will England, DrivePower
Writer: Elizabeth Millard
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