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Office Leaks offers anonymous, online water cooler chat

Can office gossip be put to good use? That’s the question behind a new local web service, Office Leaks, which provides an anonymous forum for company employees to express their views.
Founder Ryan Masanz came up with the idea after years of being a network services consultant. Traveling to over 100 companies in that career, he was struck by how often people expressed valuable, interesting opinions about projects or other people, but never went to their managers with those thoughts. At the same time, the managers would ask Masanz for his own opinion regarding operations, communication, and productivity.
“I felt like I was doing therapy,” he says. “I thought, what if we could remove that fear that people have about expressing themselves?”
Launched last April, Office Leaks is currently in startup mode, but already it’s becoming a robust forum, Masanz believes. Employees from over 500 companies are already enrolled in the site, with new companies signing up daily.
Not surprisingly, privacy is a top priority for the site, and Masanz goes to great lengths to make sure that anonymity is cemented into place. There are no backdoors into an employee’s account, and Office Leaks doesn’t keep any identifying information. “The less data we keep, the better,” he says.
Office Leaks is free for employees to use, but the site also invites managers and company owners to join by offering businesses the ability to sponsor forums with their employees for a monthly fee, without compromising employee anonymity. This provides sponsoring companies with several additional functions, like being able to make their community private.
So far, Masanz hasn’t had to install many filters, but as the site gets more popular, he anticipates that additional controls may have to be put in place to make sure that no one is betraying company secrets or infringing copyright. He says. “Our main rule is ‘don’t be evil,’ and that includes libel and trade secrets. Honestly, though, I’m surprised by how civil it’s been. People just want to be heard.”
Source: Ryan Masanz, Office Leaks
Writer: Elizabeth Millard

September events: building your company, bioscience summit, advanced search, developers conference

Everything it Takes to Build Your Company
September 8
Cowles Auditorium, Humphrey Institute
301 19th Ave. S., Minneapolis
$45 for members and $105 for non-members
Part of The Collaborative’s series on business growth, this event features an array of speakers giving advice on leveraging technology, building revenue, and finding success in medtech. Experts include speakers from Best Buy, Calabrio, Shavlik Technologies, Compellent, GovDelivery, and more.

Minnesota Bioscience Summit

September 20
Nicollet Island Pavilion
40 Power St., Minneapolis
$99 for members and $129 for non-members
Presented by LifeScience Alley and the BioBusiness Alliance of Minnesota, the summit features panels that tackle three overarching trends that are poised to radically impact all the bioscience industries.

Advanced Search & Analytics Summit
September 20
2112 Broadway St. NE, Minneapolis
Put on by DemandQuest, this summit is for people who are familiar with Google AdWords and want to dig into a more advanced understanding of how to manage and refine their campaigns.

Minnesota Developers Conference
September 29
DoubleTree Bloomington Hotel
7800 Normandale Blvd., Bloomington
Now in its sixth year, the Minnesota Developers Conference is the largest developers conference in the Midwest. This year features seven tracks totaling 28 sessions, with the spotlight on .NET, Ruby, mobile, Silverlight, cloud computing, and HTML5.

LinkUp matches innovation with job hunting

Job hunters have a continually updated resource in LinkUp, a Minneapolis-based company that's part of the national JobDig employment search site.
According to president and CEO Toby Dayton, LinkUp is unique in the way that it indexes company websites for job postings, rather than relying on companies to post jobs in a central site like JobDig or Monster.com. Current openings for about 22,000 companies are brought together at LinkUp, and the firm is careful to weed out duplications, so job seekers won't be trying to determine which listing is the most current.
"We've really reinvented what a job board is on the Web," says Dayton. "The site is updated daily, and companies can't post on here directly, so we've eliminated those garbage listings like 'work at home' types of jobs that expose people to identity theft and fraud."
Although LinkUp has some competitors in the online job-hunt realm, Dayton believes that the company is distinctive because of its technology. It lists about 800,000 jobs that are culled directly from employer sites, and the tech team is constantly refining how searches are done to make them more helpful and efficient.
Despite the advancements, the 28-person company has faced some challenges in the past few years, Dayton notes: "We've been bigger at times, but the recession impacted us. Our growth has been rapid in the past, but it's been muted by the current economic environment."
However, the executive team has experience in leading high-growth companies, he adds, and there's a great deal of optimism that LinkUp will be at the forefront of the job search industry. Dayton says, "We've been well received in the marketplace, and what we have is unique. We're excited to keep the momentum going."
Source: Toby Dayton, LinkUp
Writer: Elizabeth Millard


Coffee House Press expands e-book line

Although e-books took their sweet time catching on with the reading public, the development of e-readers like Nook and Kindle has created a sense of momentum, and now it seems that on every bus and plane, there's someone clicking through their reading selections.
The rush for e-books left some smaller publishers scrambling to stay in the race, but Coffee House Press, an independent literary publisher in Minneapolis, caught up fast. Recently, Coffee House began publishing all of its new-release titles as e-books, and is currently converting selected backlist titles as well.
The progress toward e-books began slowly for the press, says publisher Chris Fischbach. About a year and a half ago, the company released some e-books and saw very slow sales, only about 10 per month. But when it made the shift toward releasing e-books at the same time as its print versions, there was a huge jump in sales.
At this point, e-book sales represent about a third of overall sales, but that number is hard to track because publishers never know exact sales figures until their new releases have been out for at least a few months. That's because bookstores regularly return unsold hardcovers before paperback versions are released. One advantage to e-books, Fischbach says, is that their sales figures are known immediately. Also, they don't get returned by stores or consumers. 
Another benefit to e-books is the ability to carry multiple books at the same time, he adds. Some people may download a number of e-books for reading later, instead of buying books and stacking them in an unread pile at home.
Publishers may be gravitating toward e-books because the production costs are low, in addition to high consumer demand. But that doesn't mean the e-books are for everyone.
"Personally, artistically, I prefer a paper copy of a book," says Fischbach. "There's just something about holding a book and reading it that way. I don't think I'll ever be the e-book-reading type of person."
What he anticipates for the future, though, is that more will be done with video elements and graphics within e-books, turning them into their own particular genre. For example, a travel book about Minneapolis could feature short videos to illustrate unique features of the city, or interviews with local celebrities.
Whatever happens with the e-book, look for Coffee House to be ready. At this point, the publisher is on track to meet all that click-click-scroll demand.
Source: Chris Fischbach, Coffee House Press
Writer: Elizabeth Millard


Minnesota Angel Network launches

Minnesota entrepreneurs may get some of their funding prayers answered, thanks to the launch of the Minnesota Angel Network (MNAN).
MNAN notes that it's a unique educational program for entrepreneurial companies that are looking to raise investment capital, as well as a connection point for investors looking for innovative companies. The typical business that will be boosted by MNAN will be one seeking to garner between $50,000 and $4.5 million, and will be in a high-tech or knowledge-based industry.
The group's advisors are picked out of a pool of experienced investors, business experts, entrepreneurial-minded CEOs, and technology experts. There are a number of foundational service advisors and partners, including Leonard Street and Deinard, Gray Plant Mooty, Fredrikson & Byron, and Messerli & Kramer. These advisors provide their insight on a pro-bono basis.
Designed as a first stop for entrepreneurs looking for investments, MNAN helps to prepare them for the rigors of fundraising--aid that the group believes will save valuable time and resources on both sides of the investment table. Candidate companies go through an evaluation process, and if they're deemed suitable for the program, they're launched into a rigorous training regime provided by up to eight advisors. The education process takes between 60 to 90 days, putting a candidate company on a fast track for investment.
The hotly anticipated MNAN is helmed by Todd Leonard, who's raised more than $50 million in equity for startup companies in the past. An angel investor himself, Leonard has held executive roles at companies in the construction and pharma industries, and has shared his insight on technology transfer processes as a consultant for government agencies.
The debut of MNAN is likely to be welcomed in the state, which has been experiencing increased vigor in its entrepreneurial efforts lately. And after all, who couldn't use a few more angels on their side?
Source: Minnesota Angel Network
Writer: Elizabeth Millard


Parallel Technologies moves to expanded offices

Many times, finding room for company growth is a literal process, as Parallel Technologies recently discovered. 
The technology company tripled its office size in a move from St. Louis Park to Eden Prairie, giving employees more space; about 25 were hired within the past eight months. The move also provides the company with the ability to create a more intelligent, efficient space, according to Parallel CEO Dale Klein.
He notes that the move allowed Parallel to implement green-type technologies such as software-based LED and sensor lighting networks that monitor temperature, light levels, and motion. These types of innovations—created by Parallel—will allow the company to better manage resources, he believes, and showcase the company's creativity. The new facility will include a demonstration center for clients, so they can see the company's communications and network technologies up close.
The current real estate climate was another reason for the move, Klein adds. With low interest rates, and a fair number of office properties available, it's a buyer's market right now. Most likely, it doesn't exactly break employees' hearts to be so close to Eden Prairie's myriad options for lunch and shopping, either.
In terms of business growth, Parallel is on track, notes Klein. The company has aggressive goals for reaching $50 million in annual revenue in the next five years. The plan is to reach that mark through organic growth and acquisitions in the Midwest. The new facility should help in many ways, Klein says, including a boost to employee productivity, better building utilization, and energy savings.
Source: Dale Klein, Parallel Technologies
Writer: Elizabeth Millard


New angel investor group will focus on tech startups

New technology companies may get some heavenly help in the near future, with investment from a just-formed angel investor group.

AngelPolleNation (APN) is the brainchild of attorney Jeffrey Robbins of Messerli & Kramer. After representing entrepreneurs in his practice for nearly three decades, Robbins began to notice that angel investors were lacking in the state more than ever before. Some news reports early this year confirmed his suspicions, and he thought there must be a way to amp up angel funding in the area, especially for technology firms.

Although there are a number of organizations that serve entrepreneurs with resources and networking connections, the crucial angel investment component has been dwindling, Robbins believes.

"When you go to entrepreneurial events, the number-one topic is money," he says. "Everyone in early-stage companies struggles with where to find enough money for what they want to do."

At the same time, investors benefit from joining together, Robbins notes, instead of attempting to fund companies on their own. "It's hard to be a solo investor," he says. "It's really nice to be connected to others."

The initial phase of APN will focus on getting investors and entrepreneurs communicating, and Robbins hopes to draw a number of angels to the group. In July, APN's first meeting at Interlachen Country Club attracted about 70 local investors, and featured presentations by other angel groups like Twin Cities Angels and Minnesota Angel Network.

The next APN event is set for mid-September, and Robbins anticipates that there will be quarterly meetings from that point onward.

Source: Jeffrey Robbins, AngelPolleNation
Writer: Elizabeth Millard

Memorial Blood Centers launches unique virtual interview service for blood donors

Call it a fast lane for blood donors: Memorial Blood Centers (MBC) recently unveiled an innovative web-based system that allows donors to answer health history questions from their homes or offices, instead of in person.

The iDonate Interview program is designed to increase efficiency for MBC, and speed donors through the process.

The nonprofit is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, which requires that every blood donation be subject to rigorous screening techniques, including a health history questionnaire from donors. The interview process could be a pain, though, for donors that come in frequently, since inputting the information at the donation site takes about 20 minutes.

"It was frustrating for people who have answered those same questions multiple times," says Wendy Capetz, MBC's director of marketing and development. "When their answers are always the same, they should be able to go through this process faster."

MBC worked for over a year to tweak the program so that it could be highly secure, user friendly, and compliant with FDA regulations.

Using the program, donors can complete an online form, print out a receipt with a bar code, and bring it into the donation site. That lets them skip the usual registration and health screening steps, and go straight to donation and the subsequent relax-with-cookies time.

Capetz says, "Because it takes less time for the donation process, we're hoping that it will increase the amount of donations in general. The feedback has been great from people who've used it. We just got a comment on our website that the program 'totally rocks.' You can't get better than that."

Source: Wendy Capetz, Memorial Blood Centers
Writer: Elizabeth Millard

The Nerdery plans for even more growth, months after recent expansion

Last April, web development firm The Nerdery announced that it was about to double its Bloomington headquarters. Now, it turns out that's not enough room.

The 8-year-old firm has been growing at such a steady clip that it's been consistently outgrowing its space for the past two years. In 2009, the company began knocking down walls and taking over other parts of its headquarters to allow for more employees, and recently, it built a 225-seat theater for all-company meetings.

But even that space may have to include significant standing-room-only areas in the near future, according to CEO Mike Derheim, who says the company seems to be always expanding.

"We have a deal right now where we're about to take another 6,000 square-feet of space, but in the meantime, we're looking at another 9,000 square-feet on top of that," he notes. "We're also looking at other geographies in terms of opening offices."

The growth is driven by high demand for Nerdery services, he says. The firm partners with ad agencies and design firms that need the type of creative technology expertise that The Nerdery provides.

To fill that extra office space, the company has a position known as the "Nerd Hunter," who's in charge of recruiting and interviews candidates every day. Three other employees create nerd-finder events and post job openings on career sites. The company has also begun doing a "Nerdery Roadshow" to different parts of the state, in an effort to recruit more talent.

"What's unique about us is that we find people who wake up every morning excited about developing the coolest new technology, and we have clients who recognize that," says Derheim. "That's what's fueling our growth."

Source: Mike Derheim, The Nerdery
Writer: Elizabeth Millard

OATI moves to new 22-acre campus in Northeast Minneapolis

Application developer and data center provider Open Access Technology International (OATI) recently announced its move to a new campus in Northeast Minneapolis, which will house both the company's growing staff and its next-generation data center.

Founded in 1995, OATI pioneered the software-as-a-service business model for the energy industry, and has since created products and services for energy trading, risk management, compliance monitoring, renewable resources, and other strategies. The company won the 2010 Tekne Award in the Technology Services, Small and Growing Company category, presented by the Minnesota High Tech Association.

The software firm purchased the 22-acre property in 2009, scooping up a site once owned and occupied by Honeywell International, located at 3660 Technology Drive NE.

At the time, OATI's President and CEO, Dr. Sasan Mokhtari, noted that the acquisition would allow the company to meet future challenges in the energy industry, OATI's main client base. A centerpiece to the project is a data center with high levels of physical and cyber security, redundancy, and efficiency.

OATI's two data centers are linked into one virtual data center through multiple fiber links, with optimized infrastructure.

Also in the mix are an executive briefing center, conference center, customer care department, and training center, in order to meet the needs of OATI's expanding staff.

In announcing the current move, Dr. Mokhtari stated that the new campus is three times larger than the company's previous space, and provides for continued growth in staff as well as services.

Source: OATI
Writer: Elizabeth Millard

August events: marketing going mobile, mobile twin cities, summer garden party in the sky, bootstrap

Marketing Going Mobile
August 11
Metropolitan Ballroom
5418 Wayzata Blvd., Golden Valley
$30 for BMA members and $45 for non-members

The Minnesota chapter of the Business Marketing Association is hosting a panel discussion on how to successfully add mobile technology to B2B marketing campaigns. Topics include: leveraging mobile as a new media channel, integrating mobile into a marketing mix, and challenges associated with building applications for mobile devices. Attendees can register online at BMA's site through August 9, and a limited number of walk-up registrations are also available.

Mobile Twin Cities
August 16
Refactr office
11 Fourth St. NE, Minneapolis

Geared toward mobile developers, but open to non-techies, Mobile Twin Cities is a group of mobile enthusiasts who enjoy meeting on the third Tuesday or each month to discuss trends and software on all platforms. Past topics have included the challenges of training cellular sales teams, the use of QR codes, and the top news in mobile. For those who are interested, but can't make the meeting, Mobile Twin Cities offers videos of previous meetings on its site.

Summer Garden Party in the Sky
August 17
Crowne Plaza's Sky Garden
618 Second Ave. S., Minneapolis
free, but registration recommended

Put on by the MainStreetChamber, this networking mixer is a celebration of the gathering's first-year anniversary in Minnesota. The meetup is expected to draw hundreds of small business owners, and offers magnificent views of downtown as well as the hotel's rooftop garden.

Bootstrappers Breakfast
August 25
Wilde Roast
65 Main St. SE, Minneapolis
$10 fee + your own breakfast costs

Held monthly, the Bootstrappers Breakfast gives those in early-stage technology startups a chance to compare notes on operational, development, and business issues with their peers. The discussion is moderated by Kevin Spreng, an attorney specializing in entrepreneurial and investment issues. The focus isn't on fundraising through venture capital interest, but instead, on sharing ideas about how to grow a business.

Global Traffic Technologies brings on former congressman to boost its strategic might

A firm dedicated to making roadways safer and more efficient is getting some potential speed of its own, thanks to the inclusion of a former congressman.

Global Traffic Technologies (GTT), a developer of traffic sensing and routing systems, is bringing on Jim Oberstar as Senior Strategic Advisor.  

"Jim is a passionate advocate for improving the transportation infrastructure in an affordable and sustainable manner, and he has built an incredible reputation not just across the U.S., but around the world, for his commitment to this cause," says Doug Roberts, CEO at GTT.

During his 36-year tenure serving in the U.S. House of Representatives, Oberstar championed a wide range of initiatives to improve transportation safety. His efforts culminated in his appointment as chairman for the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure in 2007, a position that included oversight of all modes of transport, including aviation, maritime, and highway systems.

Oberstar has been familiar with GTT's work, Roberts notes, so the match seemed perfect. He says, "When the opportunity arose, it was a natural fit to combine Jim's passion and ability to communicate with GTT's ability to deliver."

In addition to raising GTT's profile and extending its reach into new markets, Oberstar will be working with customers to identify the public-private partnership models that GTT depends on, Roberts says.

Oberstar's appointment comes at an important time for the company, he adds, since GTT has developed new products that allow customers to draw more benefits from their existing systems. Getting the word out about these fresh offerings will help municipalities save money, and foster growth for GTT going forward.

Source: Doug Roberts, Global Traffic Technologies
Writer: Elizabeth Millard

MOJO Minnesota formalizes its structure by going co-op

Co-ops are a common business structure for groovy food emporiums, energy consortiums, and dairy producers, but now that setup is ready to fuel more growth at entrepreneurial advocacy group MOJO Minnesota.

The collection of Twin Cities attorneys, advisors, entrepreneurs, and investors came together about a year ago, calling themselves "agitators for innovation policy and community." The group's main goal is to shine a light on new technologies through state policy advocacy, unique events, and mentoring. Creating connections among business leaders, industry groups, and investors is another strong focus.

Now, it's a co-operative as well. "Up until this point, we've been an unincorporated association, which just means there was a collection of us working together on these particular issues," says co-founder Ernest Grumbles. "We wanted to formalize our structure, and when we looked at the available options, we latched onto being a co-op because that's how we've been functioning."

MOJO has a populist feel to it, he notes, but more importantly, it allows the group to pursue advocacy action and potential commercialization that would have been more challenging if it had sought non-profit status.

"Minnesota has been a big booster of co-ops," he adds, "where people come together and share resources. There are a number of power co-ops and consumer co-ops, but our group is unique in taking that structure."

Grumbles believes that other business advocacy and networking organizations would be beneficial for the state, and it's his hope that MOJO won't be the only business-focused co-op for long.

Source: Ernest Grumbles, MOJO Minnesota
Writer: Elizabeth Millard

ReconRobotics adds a key position to woo more government contracts

If ReconRobotics has its way, the company's cutting-edge micro-robots will become standard issue for many more government entities.

Although the Edina-based firm already has a number of federal and state contacts, the addition of Andrew Borene--a former U.S. Marine who served in Iraq and once worked at the Pentagon--should boost its reach, the company hopes.

ReconRobotics was formed in 2006 in order to commercialize robotics technology developed at the University of Minnesota Robotics Laboratory. The company's devices are used by hundreds of federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies and military units to obtain real-time video of hostile environments.

The distinctive robots are lightweight, rugged, and versatile, and the newest little robot, the Recon Scout XT, is only 1.2 pounds and can be thrown 120 feet without damage.

Borene steps into the newly created position of Director of Government and Industry Affairs in order to build the company's government-relations activities and support federally funded research and development programs for micro-robot technologies. Most recently, Borene served in a similar capacity at LexisNexis, where he dealt with large contract programs with defense and intelligence agencies.

"ReconRobotics has established itself as a world leader in micro-robotics," he says. "The company is now going from being a start-up to a mature enterprise, and it's my job to help that happen."

He adds that a recent speech by President Obama highlighted several industries that would be pushing the economy forward, and robotics was mentioned as a source of innovation. Borene is ready to make good on that promise by getting ReconRobotics into the spotlight.

"I see my role as helping to marshal government resources and get some development and support," he says. "It's really exciting, what we have ahead. I love it."

Source: Andrew Borene, ReconRobotics
Writer: Elizabeth Millard

Minnesota exports set a $4.8 billion record for first quarter

Although the state government's operations might be temporarily reduced to a simmer, it seems that Minnesota's exports are at full boil.

According to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), the state's exports of manufactured, agricultural and mining products grew 13 percent in the first quarter, compared to the same period a year ago. Overall, state exports were a record $4.8 billion for the quarter.

The most dominant export category proved to be manufactured products, bringing in $4.4 billion of total sales, which is a 12 percent increase over last year.

"Minnesota exports continue to be strong, generating more business for companies and contributing to job growth statewide," said DEED Commissioner Mark Phillips in a press release announcing the news. He added that exports to nine of the state's top 10 markets expanded from a year ago, and sales for most of Minnesota's products and commodities grew as well.

Canada remains Minnesota's largest customer, accounting for $1.3 billion in exports in the quarter, up 16 percent from a year ago. Other top markets include China, Japan, Mexico, Germany, and South Korea. Growth in Asia was particularly significant, with exports to China increasing by 35 percent.

Despite the record export growth, the Minnesota Trade Office believes that many small- to mid-sized businesses could be doing even more to bring their products and services to non-Minnesota customers. In a statement, the Trade Office's Executive Director, Katie Clark, noted that Minnesota must focus on selling its products to the global marketplace.

Source: Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
Writer: Elizabeth Millard
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